Why doesn't the Photo-Signature-Email option on your website work?

We’re sorry you had difficulties with our Photo-Signature Email option for submitting your form. Our goal in launching this functionality is to assist voters by eliminating the need to print, sign, scan, upload and email their forms themselves.

While we tested the system extensively before launching it, we realize that, due to differences among operating systems and browsers, it may not work seamlessly for everyone. Fortunately, you have other options!

Here's what we suggest as next steps: 

  • Go back to the Absentee Ballot Request process, log in to your Voter Account (if you have one), and generate the form again. 
  • This time, choose the Print Your Form option.
  • Download the file, print and sign it, and either scan and email it to your election office, or send it on paper by post. 
  • The form will download with instructions, including the mailing address, email address, and contact information for your election office.