What if I will be temporarily overseas during the election?

If you are temporarily traveling out of the U.S. during an election, you can vote as an overseas voter in federal elections. You can apply using the Voter Registration/Ballot Request form on our website. One single form designed specifically for overseas and military voters will simultaneously register you to vote and request your absentee ballot. Where the form asks for “current address,” use the address where you’ll be while abroad (this could be a hotel, vacation rental, friend’s house, office, etc).

Be sure to apply early as there are voter registration deadlines to take into account. However, one of the great features of voting from abroad is that you can ask to have your ballot delivered electronically. And while every state will accept your voted ballot by post, some will accept it by electronic means.To check if your state accepts electronic ballot submissions, go to our State Voting Requirements page and select your state. On the following page select "Overseas & Military Voters" and "Voter Materials Transmissions Options" to see the ways in which your state accepts ballots.

After this election you will need to register as a domestic voter so you can vote locally again.