If you will be studying abroad during an election, you can register to vote as an Overseas Citizen Voter on the US Vote website prior to moving. To do so, go to our Register to Vote/Absentee Ballot page.
A few things to note as you complete your Overseas Voter Registration request:
- ONE single form will simultaneously register you to vote as an overseas voter and request your absentee ballot.
- When entering your address information, please use the last address where you maintained residence for the U.S. address section. This should be a residence that you consider to be your home address, not a temporary location. For your ballot mail-to address, use your overseas address.
- Note that you can request your ballot online so that you receive it faster, but, depending on your state's Voter Materials Transmission Options, you may need to print and send it back via postal mail.
- In most states and counties you can choose to submit your form online using our Photo-Signature Email option, eliminating the need to print, sign, scan, upload and email the form yourself.
- If the Photo-Signature Email option is not available in your state or county, or should you choose not to use it, you will need to download, print, sign, and send your form to your local election office.
- The address will be provided in the instructions that print with the form. Check your state's Voter Materials Transmission Options to confirm whether you can scan your form and return it by email. Be sure to click the tab for "Overseas & Military Voters."
- If you do not get your ballot in time, you can file a Federal Write-in Absentee Ballot here.