Am I Registered? How can I verify that my registration was processed?

After sending in your Voter Registration/Ballot Request form to your local election official in the United States, you should confirm that your form was received and accepted and that you are on the list to receive absentee ballots during the upcoming election cycle. 

You may be notified by your election official as to whether your registration application has been processed. If you are not, you can check the status of your registration either online or by contacting your local election official.

  • To check online, go to US Vote's “Am I Registered?service to confirm your registration status.
  • To contact your local election official, go to the Election Official Directory, choose your state and voting region, and click "submit." On the following page click on the tab labeled “Election Official Contact Details” for contact information.

Reminder: Your registration/ballot request form should be submitted for every election year in which you would like to vote.